Outward Bound Successfully Held for Teachers and Students of International College
addtime2016-03-11 08:59:43     Author:    Browse: 

Outward Bound Successfully Held for Teachers and Students

of International College

  On Mar. 5, 39teachers and students of International College travelled to Banan District and experienced a thrilling outward bound program on Qiaopin Mount.

  After a brief introduction by the instructor, all the 39 participants were subdivided into 3 groups. What came first during this outdoor education program was an icebreaker exercise, which successfully “warmed up” the participants, miraculously helped them forget their gender, age, and occupationsand remarkably fostered the spirit of teamwork and cooperation.

  What followed were “Multi-legged Race” and “Da Vinci Code”. With excellent leadership, perfect coordination, and admirable collective wisdom, all the 3 groups stood the severe test of the 2 “harsh” games, and successfully pulled through. Finally came the real challenge, that is, “Climbing over Graduation Wall”, a game in which all the participants were required to climb over a 4.2-meter-high wall within limited time period without any help from the instructors. Again, with dauntless spirit rarely seen in everyday life, all the participants were determined to meet the unprecedented challenge head-on. Some offered to serve as “man-made ladder”, some offered to push from the bottom, still some offered to pull from the top. While striving to conquer the wall, everyone demonstrated formidable resilience, strong fortitude and loving care for others. With tears and laughter, the participants passed the test perfectly within 20 minutes, and embraced final success. They accomplished something they had never dared to imagine before.

  The outward bound experience has successfully made the participants realize the utmost importance of teamwork, sacrifice, and care for each other, helped tap the potential deeply hidden inside each participant, and will undoubtedly be conducive to the work and study of the teacher and student participants. 

Originally offered by Sun Yinqiong, translated by Yangkun
