Monthly Attendance Form for International Students in SWU
学生姓名(Full Name): 国籍(Nationality): 性别(Gender):
类别(Category):本科/Undergraduate□ 硕研/Postgraduate□ 博研/PhD□ 普通进修生/General Scholar□ 高级进修生/Advanced Scholar□
所在学院(部、所、中心)(College): 专业(Major):
经费办法(Expense resource):中国政府奖学金/CSC □ 孔子学院奖学金/CIS □
市长奖学金/Mayor Scholarship □ 校际交换生/Exchange Student□ 校长奖学金/President Scholarship□ 自费生/Self-sponsored□ 其他/Others□
考勤月份(Month): 年 月
考核意见 |
迟到: 次; 事假: 节;
病假: 节; 旷课: 节
填表人: 单位公章
联系电话: 年 月 日 |
填表说明 Notes:
1、 该表主要用于各类学生的年度评审和月度生活费发放等依据。
The attendance for international students will be evaluated when the scholarship is annually
reviewed and monthly allowance is delivered.
2、 提交考勤表的时间为为每学年9、10、11、12,3、4、5、6月的最后五天。
The time to submit the attendance for is the last five days of September, October, November,
December, March, April, May and June every academic year.
3、 本科生出勤情况填表人为辅导员,研究生填表人为教学秘书或导师。
This form for undergraduates is supposed to be filled in by counselors and for postgraduates
by teaching secretary or supervisor.
4、 如有疑问,请联系国际学院学生工作办公室(68256342)。
Please call Students Affairs Office, International College (68256342) if there is any doubt.